"Infinity" remains forever!

Assalammualaikum people! yes, imma weirdo. heh. well. i dont know why these few days i kept thinking of the memories that i had with my group members in Gen Y Camp which was held at the masjid two years ago. i remember vividly how we guys met, the way we introduced the name of our team to 300++ people and so on. the ice breaking part ya Allah hambar gileeeeee but at the end, it was indeed the best team i have ever had! oh and, is it weird when i say i miss the leader of my group? tak tipu weh. he taught me a lot of things especially when it comes to leadership. seriously, he has now change from someone who doesnt know the basic things about Islam to a guy who obviously has more knowledges about the beauty of islam compared to me. i mean, he is now one of the students in a maahad school ok. ya Rabbi! i admit it was my fault to easily judge him based on his appearance when we were about to choose someone to be the leader of Infinity (my group's name) i thought we might get last...