Heart skips more than a beat!

Salam alaik!
It's 2:15 am and i cant sleep! Oh Allah, my eyes.... worse than pandasssss in the entire universe! Anyway, i feel like talking about mat sallehs today. So, em, bear with me eh! Hehe 

Orait. Let, us, start!
To be frank, whenever mat salleh(s) walk in front of me or behind or whatever, ya Rabbi... i cannot resist! It is like, brosis, i have found the chosen one hahahahaha. Well, i cant easily share with you guys the reasons why i choose mat salleh(s) over malay guys. Too personal to be told. And maybe the explanation could hurt anyone of you(malay guys). Let it remains secret. Oh for your information, my so-cannot-resist can be clearly seen when i was in Cameron Highland last month. Tak tipu! Heh.

At that time, I was lining up with my mom at Sungai Pallas to buy some bread and tea for family. So while waiting for our turn, i turned around to look at the breath-taking scenery(it was soooo serene!) until suddenly my eyes caught this hot mat salleh standing behind me (ohmy Allah nak jerit!) But hey, once expensive, forever expensive, inshaa Allah! As for that, i looked in front and tried my very best to hide my smile. Suddenly, there was another drop-dead gorgeous mat salleh guy went to my place. I was like (okakunakpengsan) because i thought he might want to ask me questions about Malaysia(perasan kan?) But *sigh* i thought wrong. He just absently looked at me and talked to the guy behind me. I eavesdropped their conversation hehe but brosis, i understood nothing! Their language! Gosh i have no idea. I dont think it is french because the accent, the language, the pronounciation were completely different. I felt like i was in an alien planet hahahaha k poyo. But yeah based on their body language, i could understand a bit especially when two british lady came to them and talked about the tea. They were obviously speaking in english and the accent! Dont ask because i'll faint in a blink of an eye. Shoot! Huh chicalax naziela, hm, when it was our turn to order, i intentionaly talked in english just to attract their attention and guess what?! I MADE IT WOOOHOOOOO!

Ok ok.
When we had finished order, i was startled when i found out the guy who talked to the other guy who was standing behind me, is now sitting on the same table with my family. I was like "sgrbdoabfidbeoanqodbwkdbwkqlfhrka"  can you not make my heart palpitates? Can you not?! Oh wait, the previous sentence.. i was not cursing. Hell, no! That sentence shows my level of excitement hahaha. Happy sangat to the point it was so hard for me to utter even a word. Fortunately, alhamdulillah i managed to cool myself down and walked elegantly(kononnya) in front of him. Yang tak boleh digest la kan when he actually stared at me ya Rabbi! Ok maybe he had some negative thoughts about me since i was too selekeh and tudung selebet and maybe labuh sangat and bla bla bla tapi as long as his eyes were locked at me, i am totally fine with it! Haha over kan? Tp serious who on earth tak happy when your crush is looking at you? Maybeeee he is not my crush since i will admire every mat salleh(s) that i bumped into. But it was... ugh! No words could explain how happy i was. Seriously!

I know,
It would be impossible for me to marry a mat salleh even though now, too many girls start to have an international relationship. But, to dream is not a crime and what if i was meant to grow old with a mat salleh? Ya Allah, it is like your dream comes true and you will be veryyy happy to the point you dont know what does sad means? K i am exaggerating. Well, i just hope and pray to Allah that i will marry to a revert guy. I dont care which race he belongs to either chinese, indian and so on but as long as he is Islam and deeply in love with Allah and Rasulullah, honestly, without an effort, my heart will melt. Macam... er whatever.

To be conclude, i love mat salleh(s) hehe.

P/s : sorry for any grammatical errors. It is 2 am kot! Normal la if type macam tak betul so typo la salah susun ayat la, kan? Halalan toyyiban eh? Hahahaha!

P/s/s : picture below was taken in Cameron Highland. We were at the cactus valley yey! Love you so mucho mucho mommy and ayah my soulmates, heartbeats...


Yours sincerely,


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