veryyyyyyyy, Outdated!

" Adik, what's your dream car? "- mommy

" Atiq suka Axia! comel je, murah pulak tu "

mom laughed at my answer. she never expected me to say Axia, i mean of all cars weh, why Axia kan? but that's me. a girl who is a total noob when it comes to technology. even my own sis wants Beetle and my bro? he likes motorbike so i am not sure what's the name. Harley Davidson, maybe?

i pity my future hubs for marrying someone who doesnt bother about whats happening to this world, neither technology nor politic etc. i just dont care. i am more to my own world, i enjoy talking to myself since i was really young, writing what i have been through all this while in a diary but now, blog la obviously. when my bro offered me his iPhone, i rejected. i am not into gadjets too. as long as it can be used, i am completely okay with it. including laptop! i dont mind. unlike my siblings, they'll be doing some research regarding a few laptops which are famous and can work very well without any problems bla bla bla.

i am not trying to brag about how " zuhud " i am bahahahahah because everyone has their own weaknesses and kelebihan. this is because, i might not into gadgets, but, i am deeeeeply in love with shoes. trust me, bringing me to any branded boutique which mainly sells shoes such as Jimmy Choo, Dr. Martin, ohmy my my, like seriously i would faint in a blink of an eye or the least is i'll shout my heart out. SHOOOOOEEEEESSSSSS EVERYWHEERRRREEEEEE OH MY LOVE! well if i say shoes, there are so many types kan, so specificaly, i am more to boots.

as early as 8 yrs old, mom bought me a pair of cute white boot with a pink reben at both sides near the ankle level. i was so happy to the extent i almost cried. idk, i just love boots. i look good in it bahahahaha! i wore the boots for almost 3 years i think. well, i am a girl who wears skirts all the time remember? so boots is definitely the best choice indeed to match with my dress or sometimes blouse with skirt(above my knee hehehehe) as for that, i plan to buy a pair of black boots which i can always wear whenever i wanna go to classes hehehe once inshaa Allah i enter IPG(aamiiiin)

liking boots, doesnt mean i'll like other girly stuffs. frankly speaking, i hate handbags. i cant brain the fact why ladies are obsessed over handbags. handbags je pun. in fact, dont they feel rimas since they will need to carry it to anywhere they go, such a troublesome tau. to make it worst, energy is included ugh. using backpack is much more easier, my fav kind of bag. even tho the size is big, i dont mind because it somehow wont burden you. or the easiest way is that, dont bring any bags. put all your important things(purse and phone je kan?) in your pocket. habis cerita! dont burden yourself over silly stuff weh(my opinion la but to those who love handbags, you may proceed)

oh about clothes and hijab!
you can see nowadays people will be wearing blouse with a long skirt then cover their head by using a colourful shawl. lawa sangat! but neh, me with my kampung style cant be seperated. until now(inshaa Allah forever) i enjoy wearing my kind of tudung(no pin is needed! more like student's kind of hijab. sarung je hiks!) and it's plain. no corak at all lewls and baju kurung/jubah. and when i wear baju muslimah, i wont wear kain. i dont like the combination pun since it makes you look feminine heheheh. i'll just wear black slack/trousers. i admit i look selekeh(ehem, most of the time) but i cant help it, that kind of style makes me feels safer. guys aint gonna look at girls who are messy kan? so yesh :)

nah, that's why i say iam an outdated person and some labelled me as " Fashion Terrorist " for not following today's fashion. tak up-to-date la... gitu... who cares tho? everyone has their own taste which they think is the best for their lives, and most importantly, suits their personality very well. furthermore, kenapa nak susahkan diri? honestly,alhamdulillah so far i take only less than 10 minutes to bersiap. if i feel like wearing a 4 squared hijab which needs pins, sometimes 10-12 minutes je. pin bahu kanan, pin bahu kiri. siap! kikikikiki.

the principe of my life : 2S (SIMPLE & SELESA)

terlalu simple, i know. i am nevertheless proud of my style.
sorry future hubs! kehkehkeh :P

with, Khairun <3

" As long as Allah is happy, everything will be fine "


Yours Sincerely,


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