"Infinity" remains forever!

Assalammualaikum people!

imma weirdo. heh.

i dont know why these few days i kept thinking of the memories that i had with my group members in Gen Y Camp which was held at the masjid two years ago. i remember vividly how we guys met, the way we introduced the name of our team to 300++ people and so on. the ice breaking part ya Allah hambar gileeeeee but at the end, it was indeed the best team i have ever had!

oh and,
is it weird when i say i miss the leader of my group? tak tipu weh. he taught me a lot of things especially when it comes to leadership. seriously, he has now change from someone who doesnt know the basic things about Islam to a guy who obviously has more knowledges about the beauty of islam compared to me. i mean, he is now one of the students in a maahad school ok. ya Rabbi! i admit it was my fault to easily judge him based on his appearance when we were about to choose someone to be the leader of Infinity(my group's name) i thought we might get last at the end of the day since my group members seriously look so blurrrr macam ' dude whats going on??? ' but alhamdulillah we didnt. we won! thanks to him for taking a good care of us, no doubt. he even bought us sweets and drinks while waiting for our turn during outdoor games. he never scolded us when we made mistakes which then cause our marks to be deducted. he still put on a smile when our fasi nagged at him or downgraded him for no reason. he was soooo calm and cool like a sweet mint when i got mad at him for not bringing our  flag along, thus our 100 marks gone, just. like. that. he tried his best to memorise doa qunut in front of me tanpa rasa malu because he realised that by hook or by crook, he must change! o Allah, i salute you bro. you, deserve my respect. totally! although it has been two years since the last day all of us met, but the moments that we had spent together are still raw in my mind. macam baru je berlaku. ya Allah, we( inifnity members ) literally had created soooo many unforgetable memories. i miss all of you :'( mayAllahBless yeah honeybunz, aamiiiin! sorry sebab garang hahaha. assistant kot lol. anyway, nant buat reunion kat syurga eh! biiznillah ^-^ oh wait, lesson learnt! never ever judged a book by its cover. Adios yassir(capten of Infinity) and the other members!

waittt waittt,
still remember during water confident activity? we got the chance to do it thrice! lepastu lepastu we are the last team to play the kayak thingy but it was fun since we enjoyed it for hours i should say because due to that, we didnt manage to complete our final task which is wall climbing *sigh* eh brother yassir! i can never forget the moment when me and kak (ops! forgot her name hehe) tried our best to beat you and kak Dee in kayak game. hahahahahaha! funny tho when you lost the game. abang sado mana boleh kalah kan? gitu.. hahahaha. then, when you asked me why i use " kau aku" instead of "saya awak" since you are older. ceh! nak muntah ok! *fliptudung* oh Aiza! ingat tak we gossip about the penghulu?! pelik gila when i actually admired him for being soooooo warak(oh my) so i told you lol. memang poyo la naziela ni. and aizat! i scolded you bro for not holding the flag properly. and and i reprimanded you sebab pronounced 'ha pedas' in a wrong way. lol sangat waktu tu. betapa gigih kau sebut 'ha pedas' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ughhhhh and the others... the cooperation that you guys have made was amazing! thankyou thankyou thankyouuuu sebab dengar kata hahaha. especially the juniors yg comel belaka. maafkan kak atiq kalau ada salah ye *sobs sobs* seriously, mayAllahBless each and everyone of you immensely!

atiq loves all of you dearly... ehem hahahahahaha! gelinya ya Rabbi hahaha *muntah*

Yours sincerely,


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