
Salam alayk!

sorry for the sensored title hahahahaha malu kot nak taip secara obvious. so i made it in a proper way kah kah kah. anyway, you guys especially ladies faham kan whats p(squared)? it meansssss

per *uh oh* pain

sorry for acting innocent tp serious malu. okay okay cut the crap.

people who never knew how does it feels bila kene senggugut ni selalu tanya silly quests. such as, sakit or tak etc etc. i mean bro, the pain is INDESCRIBABLE okay! i'm not lying because every month i need to deal with the pain. it hurts to the extent you feel like cutting off your stomach and you would rather live with no stomach. it's not like a normal stomach ache which you can just sleep and by the time you wake up, the pain has gone. NO! sometimes this " p(squared) " will still remain even though you've slept almost 4 hours. shoot! andddd the most horrible part is when your uterus starts to contract masha Allah memang rasa nak guling guling. as if thousand of knives attacking your stomach! *sobs* thats why whenever you nampak orang kene p(suared), dont talk bad about them. kata mengada, you know such negative words that could hurt people's feelings. because you dont know how dreadful the pain is. you dont know how hard it is to calm your heart and face it like a boss. sakit beb. lemah segala sendi tahu tak?! 

Why menstrual pain happens?

During the time that the lining of the womb is being shed, you might experience some cramping pain in your lower stomach, your lower back and at the top of your legs – this is menstrual pain.
The reason you feel pain is that your womb is contracting (or squeezing) to remove the lining that it no longer needs because you are not pregnant. It’s thought that pain-causing chemicals, called prostaglandins, are involved in helping the womb contract. Unfortunately, they also make you feel pain.
For some women and girls their menstrual pain can be mild, but in others the pain can be stronger. No one really knows why, but it could be that if you have stronger than moderate pain you may have too many prostaglandins or be more sensitive them. This can make the womb squeeze especially hard, reducing the blood supply to your womb and causing even more pain.

hahahahahahahahah funneyh!

how to handle p(squared)?
  • usually once you kene p(squared), you will start to feel cold. mana mana you duduk or berdiri pun rasa sejuk so it's better to sit somewhere cozy and make sure you wear your jacket, blanket and socks in order to prevent your legs from having cramp. worst senario kot kalau kene cramp! mood zero%!
  • furthermore, you can also put something hot on your stomach near the uterus. example air panas, tuala panas anything panas la okay.. WHY? okay, when you pun something hot, it could help you in preventing the uterus from contracting secara bombastic! hahahaha (ada ke?) but serious! i did that for so many times and alhamdulillah berjaya. it takes time la but with patience inshaa Allah things will go smoothly as how we had planned (: 
  • besides, cara yg pada aku sangat berguna ialah letak minyak angin. oh my! i did that before i went for a trip to petrosains and it takes shorter time that i thought. because at that particular day (sorry ye mak jemah nak celoteh jap), it was my first day, so memang obviously akan kene p(squared). ingatkan tak teruk, suddenly the pain masha Allah i cried like a baby okay! memang tak tahan. until i asked my mum to buy a pain killer. but then my mum gave me minyak angin instead. okay to be specific bukan minyak angin. idk how to describe that minyak tp rasa panas la. malang betul nasib bila my mum sapu banyakkkkkkkkkkkkk kat perut. and as a result, pedih ya Rabbi. hilang rasa sakit p(squared)! tapi bila fikir balik, sakit minyak tu is much better compare to p(squared). it's like penjara yg dibandingkan dengan neraka. both tak best tp penjara better kan hahahahaha apa aku merapu ni. 
  • next, minum air panas to heal the pain. tapiiiiii honestly, for me cara ni tak berapa nak okay because i drink a lot of air panas pun the pain still remain! not just that, sometimes the level of the pain increase ugh worsen kan condition. anyway it's actually depends on the person. i lain, you lain lol. so maybe this way suits you well. who knows kan? tak kenal maka tak cinta, tak cuba maka tak tahu hahaha
  • oh, ada jugak orang yg kata mandi air panas.okayyyyyyy i couldnt find the exact reason why mandi air panas. i mean, instead of you bazir the electric, it's better to take other ways provided kan. jimat! lagipun, if you're having p(squared) for hours so nak mandi air panas pun for hours? em, whatever. like i said, it depends on the person. if you think that this way is the best among all then proceed (:
  • last but not least, if you really cannot stand anymore, just eat pain killer pill given by the doctors. but dont eat it for quite a lot of times. it will effect your fertility! nant susah nak preggy, na'uzubillah. makan bila rasa nazak je haha. side effect of the medicinies sometimes kita tak tahu. so better amik precautions. just like one of the malay proverbs that said " Preventing is better than Healing " 

finally, haha i did asked my mum

"mummy, how to get rid this p(squared)"
"kahwin and dapat anak"
"whattt you've gotta be kidding me"
"yes, if you dont believe me then go and ask your sis"

since my sis in now studiyng medicine, i aksed the same question to her and she nodded. means she agreed with mummy's answer. pfffft! kahwin?! not even in my mind bros and sisss hahaha i have lots of important thing in mind. kahwin should be last kot wallahu'alam. HE knows best! 


to all girls out there, 
it's obvious that Allah loves us so much. yes, it hursts but hey if we think positively, setiap sakit tu kifarah dosa. so why not we be grateful and say " Alhamdulillah "? inshaa Allah. may Allah ease everything, aamiiiin! we are girls means we're as strong as rock! lulz~

Yours sincerely,


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