favourite Bodyguards!

it's been a while since i last updated my blog lol even tho tak sampai a month bahahahahah!

people might think

this entry must be about her dad/bros

dude, they are not just my bodyguards. they are also my nyawa. so, NO, NOT ABOUT THEM.

ehem ehemmmmm,

since i was really young mom had sent me to a nursery for the reason that my parents were very busy with their own career. hence, i seldom met my silblings and spent most of my time with my friends at the nursery. truthfully, i was the only one kid who was at the nursery, no friends by my age. i played with mak(i call the person who took care of me "mak" and his hubsy "ayah"), ayah and kak diyah only because she's the youngest among her siblings. others had successfully reserved a place in their own respective universities alhamdulillah. besides kak diyah, i have another friend named " mamat " too. it's his nickname actually lol. i call him that to the extent i didnt know his real name until i reached 17. teruk kan? bahahahaha!

so, what iam trying to tell you guys is that as early as 2yrs old, i had filled my time having fun with my childhood friend, mamat, who's a guy. i was so closed to him until i felt uncomfortable befriending the girls. like seriously. in fact, i hate them. the girls, i mean. oh with reasons ok! i dislike their ngada ngada attitudes -.- they love to cry over small things which i think very renyah ugh. altho i'm like that sometimes but to me la MAYBE not as ngada ngada as they are bahahahahahaha!

as for that one particular reason, until now i'm an easy going person with guys(oh waitttt, note that, not all ok. i'm quite choosy when it comes to male friends) therefore, dont be so taken aback if any of you sees me talking to guys. i admit i have quite a number of male friends but not all last long. some are now like strangers to my life. we lost contact in view of the fact that there's nothing important to share with and i somehow always feel uneasy talking to them via various kinds of social medias hehe sorry.


last year, mom wanted me to join her school's program regarding spm. whenever theres a prog being held in school, she will surely asked me to go, eventually i did. not just program dude, even extra class pun i'll join hehehe. yang paling over was when on Wednesday, i was supposed to go to my school wearing koku uniform but the nyanyuk side of me terlupa lol. i forced my mom to go straight to her school and not to drop me at my school because obviously i'll be demerited for my wrongdoings. from 100 marks maybe to 90 /85 which then could effect my Sijil Berhenti Sekolah under the kelakuan thingy. just imagine, one whole day i spent my time at my mom's school and rather than doing nothing, mom insisted me on joining one of the form 5 classes. as a result, i went to 5 Alfa wehhhh ya Rabbiii the only girl in the class learning all the subjects which have been stated on the timetable masya Allah taktahu la nak kata apa. the most awesome experience ever because not many girls had ever done that i think bahahahahaha should definitely treasure it forever and always!

went to RIMUP with them(the 5 Alfa students) not even half tho

solihin, twinnie, siput, me, yeo, darren, afiq

my round table mates at programme perkampungan Ilmu

miza, me, siput, yeo, darren

my deskmate for every programme/extra class i had joined teeheee :)


siput, daisy, me

after maths paper kut 

me, acap, darren, daisy

the day we hang out together :

yeo, me

yeo, me, siput, senthil, twinnieee

my favourite bodyguards!

siput, darren, yeo, me, senthil, twinnie, syazriman(in front of us)

their hari Q :


after monthssss of not seeing them, finally!

darren, twinnie, me

finally siput is back from plkn! i miss our "deskmate" moments bahahahahah!

daisy, me, siput


you can see same guy in more than one picture kan? bahahahahah that's because only with them i feel safe and comfortable to talk with. it doesnt depend on looks, more to personality. oh not to forget, got some i call them by using their nicknames. i invented the nicknames hence only i have the right to call them that. others, a big no!

without futher ado(cheh), thanks a lot for making 2015 as my most memorable year! indeed, you guys are way too awesome wooohooooo! 

Adios amigos assalammualaikum!

Yours sincerely,


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