Not "typical" tudung-labuh Girl

nah, what i mean is that i am not an ordinary tudung labuh girl. seriously, weh. SIRIUSly! #pottterhead-alert hehehe. anyway, i had just realised that between me and those tudung labuh girls who are and were studying in any sekolah agama and will be, are compleeeeteeeeelyyyyy different!

i went to so many camps regarding agama before this. well obviously most of the contestants were from sekolah agama. based on my observations, although my dress up is the same as theirs but still, i cant tolerate with them and vice versa. people say i am an easy going person. i can socialize with the people in my surrounding very well. sadly, sometimes, i dont actually. it's not that i am choosy. the way they react to my personality somehow hurts me because like i said, we are different from each other! for a girl who have studied in convent schools for more than a decade would definitely have the " convent " attitudes such as, acting crazy, talkative, fangirling over a stranger, talking about current dramas mostly korean, shouting like a mad person(as in supporting people like WOOOOO YOU GO GIRL WOOOOOHOOO WOOOOO! *shakebutt* *shakePomsPoms*) and so on but those who in sekolah agama? they are not used to such attitudes. they're raised in a surrounding which demands you to remain silent, stay feminine, walk elegantly, bla bla bla. can you see the huge differences which occur between us?

another thing is that,
it's clear enough the sekolah agama girls find it very hard to accept the friendly side of us. convent girls can have a super duper loooooooooong conversation with guys without feelimg shy because their intention is genuine. no love is involved. they only wanna make friends. friendly here doesnt me we are flirting around making ourselves look cheap. sometimes while talking to the guys, we are not saying something rubbish. we are exchanging knowledges. general knowledge, to be exact. we talk about something which could give benefits to us in the future(based on my experience). i know there should be a huge barrier between girls and guys as what have been taught by Allah through the Holy Qur'an. but somehow, thats the culture in convent schools. you learn on how to communicate with people etc etc. the different now is that sekolah agama girls are very shy and that shyness is good, really. still have cons tho. but weh, everything has its pro and cons kan? being too friendly is not good too. it depends  :)

as for that,
dont blame the convent school nor agama school for acting snobbish towards one another. there must be reasons behind all those sombong actions. 

by the way, there's one thing about tudung labuh convent girls which makes me laughs so hard bhahahahahaaha! usually, for a tudung labuh girls, people might think that their taste towards a guy must probably a guy who wears kopiah on his head with a jubah and capal, right? but me? and even my sis? and even other convent girls? we are not into such guys. weh sirius! we are not trying to downgrade ustazs, we respect them, since their knowledge about islam is as deep as Mariana Trench while us? we are currently floating on the sea. *sobssobs* may Allah Ease!

orait, back on the track,
for example, me, myself, i still like those who are pious, deeply into his religion. surprisingly, the so called warak guys whom i admire, like and adore are not muslims! they are christians! they memorize kitab too but not Al-Qur'an. it's the Bible. they pray everyday but not to Allah. can u see how sadis my situation is?! while the sekolah agama girls? their crush most probably imam muda, pendakwah terkenal, para huffaz and ustaz... 

maybe it's because of the culture itself kut. we were exposed to non muslims all the time. we are much more confortable with them rather than the muslims, specifically, malays. so thats maybe the exact reason why convent girls are easily into non-muslim guys compared to the muslims. i dont know why, but somehow i am proud of it. i know for me to be together(chehhhh pfft) with my crush is TOTALLY OUT OF EVERYONE'S MIND! but to dream is not a crime, right? hahahahahaha doa weh doa! lewls 

convent girls usually prioritize their friends more than guys too. thats why whenever someone talks about kahwin awal, they dont even give a damn. it's like WE HAVE OUR BABES. NO GUYS PLEASE! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME IN OUR LIVES! BACKPACK WITH FRIENDS AND ENJOY EVERY MOMENTS TO THE FULLEST! NO LOVE LOVE bahahahahahhaa! totally different from sek agama, i can say. because most of my friends wanna marry at an early age. in fact some of them already got married at the age of 18/19/20..... it's okay.. no matter what, Allah is the best planner kan! :D


our SWAGGY MAGGY moment. heh

feat. our lovely Bapa Ibrahim :')

babes <3

babes #2 <3 <3 <3

those points are solely based on what i had observed.  jangan terasa ye. i pray to Allah that we will be blessed by HIM for every second of our lives, inshaa Allah!
Auf wiedersehen! Assalammualaikum :)

Yours sincerely,


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