Sour 17?!


wow i've not posted anything for quite a long time *aplause* anyway,


yes, alhamdulillah. today is my birthday wooohoooo! i cant put into words how i feel right now. happy, excited, scared etc etc. finally, i'm officially 17 kotttt. who would ever believe that one fact?! haha! even Aisya asked me

"oh wait, you're now 17 or 7 ? "

cisss aisya! lol maybe i act like a kid kot tak sedar diri dah tua kahkah but who cares kan? eheh ala lgpun still consider as young and dangerous right? hahahaha. by the way, i'm not hoping for luxurious presents, but the only thing that i want this year is happiness from people around me since i was under depression for months or maybe one whole month due to exams. so i want something that could make me smile. i dont mind if people forgot my birthday. as long as ALLAH knows, alhamdulillah. but somehow i am blessed to have such friends who remember your birthday, buy you presents. i NEVER expect that one of them would buy me a minion's ceramic mug. GOSH CANT YOU SEE HOW HAPPY I WAS WHEN SHE GAVE THE MUG? i even jumped hahaha. i cant, mayn. i cannot resist myself from being obsess with le minionsss and sofia the first! i mean dude, sape je tak suka both cartoons tu?! they are beyond cute, ya Rabbi heart melts hihi. thankyou so mucho mucho, Aina Zulaikha. oh tak lupa jugak to Elora Nor Azman, thanks sisterrr for the perfume and tasbih. mayAllahBless both of you aamiiiin...

i'm not gonna write an essay kan sooo last but not least, Joyeux Anniversaire dearself! alhamdulillah (":

Yours Sincerely,


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