

well this is year is indeed the toughest year ever for now la because before this i was not that busy to the extent i need to burn my midnight oil in order to finish all the homeworks given. Besides, I even need to finish the notes that I got from eheh secret lol and do some revision for the upcoming exam. so the thing is, i feel like shouting to the whole world and say


Maybe yes for certain people because they know how to manage their time well. but i know too! i even have the timetable that tells what i should and should not do. i spend most of my time with books ya Rabbi too tooooo exhausted i kenot. I have never had an enough sleep since school session started which was 2 weeks ago. been sleeping early and woke up at 1 or 2 in the morning just to study and sometimes doing homeworks or notes. so dont ask me why my eyebags are getting sexier because obviously now you know the exact reason whyyyy! i have to run like a crazy girl as if the land doesnt have enough space for every step that i take just to chase the time. can you see how fast the time flies?! i dont go for tuition and as a result i need to study by my own. i am not from a boarding school where there will be a lot of motivasi(s) provided by the teachers. i am in a convent school which has a lot of non muslims. i need to learn on how to be an independent girl who knows how to adapt myself with that kind of situation. i still remember the first day i entered the school. i can still remember clearly the moment when i cried because i miss my primary friends badly. the memories are still raw. will never vanished from my mind. heih. life is indeed tough! I NEED TO BEAR WITH IT BECAUSEEEEEEE THIS WORLD IS JUST TEMPORARY. Its not gonna last forevah so i should not sigh heavily but to work harder to make my dreams come true and also my parents feel proud for having a daughter like me. dah la comel, pandai hahahahahaha ^^

Pray for me guys! will be sitting for spm in 283 days from now. mayAllahEase everything biiznillah! Rabbi yassir waala tu'assir wa tammim bi kheyr :)

Yours sincerely,



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