Last priority


so whats my last priority?
Love yes love. I dont want to let myself involve in that thing. Because i know once i let myself in, it would be hard for me to escape from it since variety of feelings will fill my heart. i have read a lot of articles about this one lady. i literally admire her. how she makes herself strong infront of her son even though she is deeply broken inside. i dream to be that type of lady. a lady who doesnt want people to sympathize for what had happened, instead feel proud by the outstanding achievements that i have made after a huge problem came to my life. i want to learn on how to not depend too much on temporary love. humans can never fulfill their one promise that they have made to their loved ones. which is

I will always be by your side forever .

actually they dont. they die a few moments later. they left us here in this filthy world. so its clear enough that we should not put high hopes towards any living things. love is not everything. love cant bring an everlasting happiness in your life. we must lead our life by working hard to make our dreams come true. make them real. not just let our emotions sink with the feeling of love. just dont make yourself look stupid.

Jangan sesekali jadi hamba cinta tapi jadi la hamba Allah.

we can fall for anyone but must have a limit so that tak terseksa teruk sangat hahahahaha okay sounds so odd. ehhhhh ^^" may ALLAH protects us from the things that could make us getting further from HIM. May our heart remains pure. Aamiiin inshaa Allah...

Yours sincerely,



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