turn around, don't drown!


before i start, lemme explain about the title of this entry first ;

The phrase “Turn Around Don't Drown” is ideally suited for many types of flood safety out- reach activities. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) encourages use of the phrase to further the National Weather Service (NWS) mission to help protect life and property

creds to google lol. i wont explain more about it so feel free to google it up! :)

what's with the topic?

people say, well mostly,

" money can give me happiness "

or some might even utter

" love means everything. love brings eternal happiness "

well, little do they realise that somehow at some point, they would breakdown again due to the one which they thought could provide a so-called happiness. so this makes me wonder, what could literally lead us to an eternal happiness? if by having loads of money or even getting all sorts of love and attention that we want from people cant make us happy then what is it?! 


few days later..

 i noticed, a part of being closer to Him, 

" to not think of what others might say about you "

actually leads to happiness as well. y'know in this life especially in social-media-life, people who barely know us would simply judge us as though we have been friends for more than a decade. worst, when such negative judgments being thrown publicly managed to convince strangers which eventually causes our image going down the drain. and guess what? when this happens, our mind can no longer think properly, all positive words which we held firmly to keep our spirit soaring will definitely be wiped out--completely, we would look at the negative side of everything because our brain has been possessed with the fact that

' everyone hates me. i'm not good enough. i have flaws '

as a result?

depression occurs..


well some, with no hesitation, might think of committing suicide whilst others might give up on every. single. thing.

sounds awful, indeed.



i would like to urge everyone, every single person in this world to STOP thinking of what others might say about you. they are free to give opinions or even judge but let's not take them into account unless if the words are beneficial then yes, why not(?) 

let me give a simple example which is related to this matter ;

you failed to get an outstanding results, thus those inconsiderate people would probably say

' lol. noob rupanya. '

or even,

' ingat kan pandai, rupanya bodoh jugak '

but hey,
such sentences should never stop you from achieving your goals. everyone wasnt born to be perfect, same thing goes to your journey. there are stuffs be it humans or non living things in the middle of the road or path which you're currently taking, and they need to be cleared. so rather than wasting your time thinking of those negative words, you should find a way on how to clear them off your road and continue in making your dreams real. plus, digest every single word given by them and make it as one of your motivations to keep moving... forward!


Allah doesnt give you an excellent result but He gave you something that others didnt get. who knows? only Allah knows best, keep that in mind.

life is too short to dwell in sadness.
life is too short to be drowned in a sea of sadness.

since life is too short, then why must you fill every single second of it with sorrowness? sadness? gloominess?

chin up!
Allah never ask you to stop, Allah always persuades you to do more. double up your effort in everything because He is always with those who are patient.

bear in mind,

Allah does not give you what you want, 
He gives you what you NEED

have faith, always..



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