Toastmaster Naziela!


oh finally after almost one freaking year of not updating anything, now, during this sem break i get to update about what's happening to my life now with all the readers! yay!

frankly speaking(even tho i'm not speaking lol), there are soooooooooooo many fun, not-so-fun, boring things which i wanna share(badly),  but to think of it again, hello people, i'm not as rajin as that to type out everything ok hence i opted for only one topic. which is ;


what is toastmasters?

 " Toastmasters International (TI) is a US headquartered nonprofit educational organization that operates clubs worldwide for the purpose of helping members improve their communicationpublic speaking, and leadership skills. Through its thousands of member clubs, Toastmasters International offers a program of communication and leadership projects designed to help people learn the arts of speaking, listening, and thinking. " 

ops, copypasted from dearest wikipedia of course *flipsHijab *wink

at first i hesitated to join due to the fee, i mean for every sem you need to pay RM300, that's insane but hey, to compare with the knowledges which you will gain throughout your journey as a toastmaster? indescribable, incomparable, seriously. 

no, right now, at this particular moment, i dont plan to share with you what toastmaster is all about. i would like to share how toastmaster changed my life, not completely... still. i changed.

by being a member of this club, you would need to complete your pathway. So after i have registered, i had to complete some questions regarding personality etc and the pathway which i got as a result was Dynamic Leadership. basically the project is more to public speaking since you need to speak in front of people about the topic which you have chosen(example; life) according to the time given and your speech will be evaluated by the evaluator. 

after months of joining toastmaster club, i realised that alhamdulillah my level of self-confidence had increased tremendously. from someone who would freak out whenever being asked to speak in front or even present something publicly to someone who feels nothing but excited. i'm always excited when i get the chance to do presentation etc. it's fun because you would get to communicate with people and sharing, also, exchanging ideas bla bla bla. the fun thing is, i have soooooooooooo many international friends now yay! since usually the ones who would join this club are the students from other countries so from that i developed my skill of communication as we dont share the same culture and the way we think of something is undoubtedly different hence talking to them is never dull to me! i'm having fun for most of the time alhamdulillah.

in fact, now, i could even embark on a conversation with great people who work in great companies, including outstanding professors with an awesome achievements and many more. basically to put this in a simpler words, i managed to expand my networking bahaha. susah beno.. i would like to give an example. through toastmasters, i was introduced to an awesome man named Prof Zul. he was working in O&G company(it was my dream *cries a bucket). he gave a talk during our meeting and his speech was random. he shared so many valuable lessons which all students should take note in order to remain on the right track if you're determined to achieve your goals. knowing him makes me realised that

' hey naziela, nothing is impossible in this world. it's either you DO in order to make it happen or you DONT. the choice is in your hands after all '

and he changed my view on small things as he said ;

' never underestimate small things as from small things, it could get bigger and stronger '

oh before i forgot! i even met the Queen of Johor hehe! :)

being a toastmaster is not solely about communication skill. it enhances your skill in other field as well and most importantly, could change you to be a better person insyaAllah.

obviously i never regretted my decision to be a part of this club members and i'm looking forward to create more bittersweet memories, learn valuable lessons and meet incredible people!

toastmaster members ft. the guests :)

wefie is a must after the meeting.
with Dr. Dodo Yakubuaminu! :)

spead the love!

second family, my heart is so full, alhamdulillah!

 meet the Queen people! #spotme

 aaaaaaaaall time favourite!

the Awani Rangers :)





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