
since my mood of writing is superb high hence i think why not updating another entry of 132? *wink!
so what's 132? what's wrong with the numbers(OMG!)?


truthfully 132 is actually my class when i was in matriks, 1 represents the modul which i was taking. therefore it means i took module 1 which also can be called as pure science since i'll be learning all those core subjects which are mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics(fyi, my least fav lol) whilst 3 represents the kuliah. basically for module 1, since majority of the students are taking module 1 as for that it was divided into 4 kuliah and each kuliah has maximum of 10 classes and minimum of 7. and for mine, i was in the second one.

as a result, it's 132 :)

oh just to inform, there's no streaming in college life. they would randomly put your name in any class you're destined to be in.

ok. brosis,
if i were asked to describe 132 by using only one word, i would say


in 132, i literally learned about life. there were many lessons which i got to digest, some are bitter whilst others are sweet but overall, rainbow. i was taught on how to be an independent leader(for those who read my previous post entitled coldness etc etc would know what had happened in my so-called leadership life haha), be a great friend, oh i even urged myself to be soft in all aspects like seriously because most of my friends are soft so i was influenced by their behaviour hahahha, i disciplined myself as well since i was in charge of so many things hence for most of the time i would be very busy with other activities therefore time management was really an important matter to me etc.

oh Allah,
typical naziela, easily went astray. ok cut the crap!

why i opted for rollercoaster over other bombastic words?

if you meet all of us, you would go crazy, literally. you know when you are playing rollercoaster, your mouth would be in 'O' shape because you will be shouting your heart out to overcome the so-called scared-but-fun- feeling. and those shouting moments are insanely loud?! same thing goes to 132. we are noisy, superb! do you know, there was once during chemistry tuto class, most of us were not paying attention. imagine, sir was teaching in front but we were at the back busy talking out loud regarding the food that we consumed yesterday (haha sorry sir). as a result, we got kicked out by our lecturer(one of the best memories indeed), only for few minutes tho, then he asked us to enter the class again(because we didnt go anywhere, all of us felt guilty) and gave a loooooooong lecture which was a really good hit since at that particular moment, final was really around the corner. besides, for you to remain silent while you're on a rollercoaster would be super duper weird right? this suits my class. if we remain quiet even for few minutes, our lecturer would think that we were not okay, something bad happened or perhaps we were not in a good mood hahahahaha so can you see how rare it is for my class to be passive? even in kuliah too, my class is the noisiest of all(laughing literally).

a part from that,

when it comes to rollercoaster, the ride is very challenging in terms of the shape of the rail thingy. very perplex. not a mundane one, thats for sure since there are various kinds of  shapes that could freak the passengers out! aaaaaaaaaaaand for 132, again, there are varioussss personalitiesssss as well. soft, harsh, medium, heartless,weird. just. name it! all available! so can you imagine the mixture of everything?! it's kinda annoying at times but fun for most of it hahaha i still remember the moment when guys would only talk among them(typical), while for girls, there are somehow 3 groups. the ones who usually sat at the back row are the quiet ones, the middle row but on the right hand side are the hipster ones while maryam, ena and me are somehow group-less but initially we were together for the first few months until we decided to join the group at the back row.

132 is indeed another blessing of Allah. i used to ask Him during my tough moments

" of all classes, why 132 o Allah? "

and after i've spent 11 months with them, learning so many new things etc, i guess His respond all this while was

" because 132 shapes you best "

i undeniably love each and everyone of them, mayAllahbless us immensely and ease our journey in achieving our dreams, aamiiiin!
lastly, pictures of everyone :')

asimilasi week.
initial classmates before some changed to module 2 and 3.

132 clan :)

with our sir(the one who kicked us out but we love you nevertheless since it's our fault)
ft. sir hisam! 

english class. 
sometimes fun sometimes intense, depends
ft. madam Tan Corsi #muchlove

when everyone wasnt ready and you're the camera ready type of person haha.
bio lab ft. Madam Shazila :)

MSP programme part 1

MSP programmed part 2

MSP programme part 3

our so-called eco prject haha part 1

so-called eco project part 2 

head of our class for sem 1 only hahaha he's lazy but undoubtedly smart! 
hakiem-insanely crazy :P

head of our class for sem 2 haha! 
meet ibad-selmaba and reaaallyyyy sempoi kinda guy
(sorry ibad. this pic is too cute to not be posted haha)

all time favourite seriouslyyyyy *cries a bucket-rindu!*

she has a quite long name so i shortened it to Hazel.
soft spoken but is determined in trying to get her goals.

forever favourite person for me to annoy or bother haha sorry sid!

ha! meet syafiq!
i was rally clingy to him because first thing first, he was mommy's students so yeah kinda feel comfortable with him but the moment he has a girlfriend, peh! lupa kawan beb ciskek hahaha

this sweeeeeeeeeeeeet, cuteeeeeeeeeeee, smaaaaaaaaart girl of mine, haliz!
tak pernah tak rindu! :')

ft. maryam! 
our bare faces after jogging(literally)
oh no rindu teruk ni! :')
#gengjogginglepassubuh #diagenius #nak #mati hahahahaha!

the one who would listen to all of my sad, happy, mundane stories.
ena yang kurus tapi lawa! <3

mek mai yang soft spoken, sopan gilaaaaaaaa and cantik tapi... kuat bebel hahahaha! 
sangat rindu!

farewell part of 132 and our English lecturer, Madam Tan
ft. ena, sarah and mai
#teamkedingbelaka #makanbanyaksikitplease

before kuliah starts. sentiasa sempat untuk selfie k
ft. ena, mai, haliz and me

this one! my mossssttt favourite! #teamchemistry #teamforeveralone 
maryam + haliz = my happy happy happy pills!


we fought but somehow we got back on the same track alhamdulillah.
her braveness people is BEYOND WORDS

syafiqah yang el sayangi! jaga dirik bait bait sinun <3
kamek rindu kitak banyak banyak!

i cant post all. but yeah those are the people who were a part of my journey as a college student.
beyond. blessed.

je t'aime, 132 clan.



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