second defeated first
after almost one year of not updating anything i believe everyone doesnt know whats happening to my life now. previously, i have shared about toastmasters. one of the clubs which i decided to join in university(well, i'm sort of active lol because i planned to explore hence joining 4 clubs at one time aint a huge problem to me i guess even tho sometimes i'm physically fatigue).
after college life has ended, i stayed at home doing nothing(literally) for 4 freaking months. it would be a lie if i say that i didnt want to work but hey having a super duper loving mother prevented me from doing so hence all i did was babysitting my babycousins etc(it was fun tho. babies are always cute hehe much love from kak Atiq dearest babies in all over the world). while mereput-ing, i was patiently waiting for the upu result as well. oh, for those who dont know what upu is, please google it up. i'm undoubtedly lazy to explain it be it briefly nor precisely hehe (sorry brosis). anyway, back to the track, upu result was released on the first week of august so one month before i vividly remember the kind of conversation which i had with my dad ;
starting from that day onwards, i was kind of scared. because to make a comparison between Upm and Utm, for the course which i have applied, it's better for me to take it in Upm since based on the ranking, Upm beat Utm with no mercy(y'know what i mean). i prayed like seriously haha so that what ayah had uttered earlier will not happen. i mean, if i was accepted to be one of Upm students then for me to go back home weekly would be easier as i can ask for help from my aunt and elder sis who live in KL, also, the bus fee is rather cheap. but Utm? hell no, even the journey would be more further *sigh
there were so many negative thoughts about Utm in my mind(nampak tak betapa taknaknya hahahaha). so, on the day which upu result was released, i eagerly checked my result and HAH! guess what? Utm it was. never ever everrr underestimate your parents' words because for most of the time, from words become reality :')
i didnt know what to feel, i was clueless, completely. i mean, i've googled everything about Upm, i even had plans on what I should and should not do, sadly, ended up it's different university. lol. i told my dad, his respond was only 'congratulations' with a smile carved on his face. mommy was not as happy as my dad tho hahahaha because she knows for me to go back frequently would be impossible. but i did say alhamdulillah. i mean not all students got the chance to pursue thier studies in university therefore why must i be so ungrateful to this blessing of His? *recites Surah Ar-Rahman
days passed, i was busy packing all my stuffs, preparing all the documents needed for the regustration process later on on 5th of September if i'm not mistaken when suddenly i bumped into a fact that H is currently studying in Singapore. He's pursuing his studies in Singapore and to calculate the distance between Singapore and Johor, it's nearer indeed as compared to Upm which is located in Selangor.
Allah knows best. i smiled super wide and i even told this matter to my mom with full-of-excitement-kinda voice. As for that, i was not sad at all, in fact i was looking forward to the day when i will officially become a student of Utm. one thing that i learned ;
Allah is the bestest planner of all.
why? because once i entered Utm, my life has changed tremendously. in a good way of course and i too, have changed. i managed to be a part in so many things which i never thought i would and meet awesome people with amazing achievements in life and having various personalities. i'm beyond blessed to be surrounded by undeniably loving and caring people. words can never described how happy i am with my current life and i'm praying to Allah that i could create countless bittersweet memories with people who are in and out of my circle with and without their intention so that my journey of being a utm students will be more meaningful and unforgettable, insyaAllah.
all you need to do in your everyday life is, to have faith in Him. Always :)
these are the pictures of those who were, are and will be a part of my journey as a Utm student.
pssst. i wont be posting all. certain je, depends hiks.

a picture of H, in.... my heart :)
after almost one year of not updating anything i believe everyone doesnt know whats happening to my life now. previously, i have shared about toastmasters. one of the clubs which i decided to join in university(well, i'm sort of active lol because i planned to explore hence joining 4 clubs at one time aint a huge problem to me i guess even tho sometimes i'm physically fatigue).
after college life has ended, i stayed at home doing nothing(literally) for 4 freaking months. it would be a lie if i say that i didnt want to work but hey having a super duper loving mother prevented me from doing so hence all i did was babysitting my babycousins etc(it was fun tho. babies are always cute hehe much love from kak Atiq dearest babies in all over the world). while mereput-ing, i was patiently waiting for the upu result as well. oh, for those who dont know what upu is, please google it up. i'm undoubtedly lazy to explain it be it briefly nor precisely hehe (sorry brosis). anyway, back to the track, upu result was released on the first week of august so one month before i vividly remember the kind of conversation which i had with my dad ;
" whats your first choice for your upu adik? "- Ayah(i call him ayah)
" pure chemistry in Upm. why ayah? " -Me
" what about your second choice? " - Ayah
" well, same course but different university, the second one i opted for Utm " - Me
" i'm confident enough to say that you'll get Utm instead of Upm " -Ayah
obviously i wasnt satisfied with his last statement hence i asked
" why would you say so? i mean based on my previous result, i believe i'll be getting my first choice " - Me
" well, i dont know. " - Ayah
there were so many negative thoughts about Utm in my mind(nampak tak betapa taknaknya hahahaha). so, on the day which upu result was released, i eagerly checked my result and HAH! guess what? Utm it was. never ever everrr underestimate your parents' words because for most of the time, from words become reality :')
i didnt know what to feel, i was clueless, completely. i mean, i've googled everything about Upm, i even had plans on what I should and should not do, sadly, ended up it's different university. lol. i told my dad, his respond was only 'congratulations' with a smile carved on his face. mommy was not as happy as my dad tho hahahaha because she knows for me to go back frequently would be impossible. but i did say alhamdulillah. i mean not all students got the chance to pursue thier studies in university therefore why must i be so ungrateful to this blessing of His? *recites Surah Ar-Rahman
days passed, i was busy packing all my stuffs, preparing all the documents needed for the regustration process later on on 5th of September if i'm not mistaken when suddenly i bumped into a fact that H is currently studying in Singapore. He's pursuing his studies in Singapore and to calculate the distance between Singapore and Johor, it's nearer indeed as compared to Upm which is located in Selangor.
Allah knows best. i smiled super wide and i even told this matter to my mom with full-of-excitement-kinda voice. As for that, i was not sad at all, in fact i was looking forward to the day when i will officially become a student of Utm. one thing that i learned ;
Allah is the bestest planner of all.
why? because once i entered Utm, my life has changed tremendously. in a good way of course and i too, have changed. i managed to be a part in so many things which i never thought i would and meet awesome people with amazing achievements in life and having various personalities. i'm beyond blessed to be surrounded by undeniably loving and caring people. words can never described how happy i am with my current life and i'm praying to Allah that i could create countless bittersweet memories with people who are in and out of my circle with and without their intention so that my journey of being a utm students will be more meaningful and unforgettable, insyaAllah.
all you need to do in your everyday life is, to have faith in Him. Always :)
these are the pictures of those who were, are and will be a part of my journey as a Utm student.
pssst. i wont be posting all. certain je, depends hiks.
atok, he actually cried when i said goodbye to him after i've settled everything on the registration day. sayang atok sangat!
my room weeeeeeeeee! spotted baby H hehe <3
my roommate! kakak marniiiiiii <3
oh my love for her is indescribable! je t'aime tim!
all time favourite friend of mine in utm #muchlove
most favourite activiy during orientation week
the only international student,Nida yang comel!
my first outing i guess hahaha jakun overload!
ft. opie yang el sayang!(she's at the back of me)
kms reunion haha!
ft. muhib and haiqal
a must to bring baby H to whereever i go #greenlove
i'll always remember his kindness till the day i die, thank you
ft. lutfi
my cutie pies!
ft. tim, YiHui and XinYi
awwww, meet chan the loveliest girl ever!
our first activity hahaha!
ft. Capit, amal, kakIntan, kakSyafiqah, suzi, nonet and Daniel
i join equin club as well! thanks to Hilman Yong for giving me the courage to be closed to all horses.
#roadtobeIntanZulaikha #roadtoMrsYong hahahaha!
ft. opie :)
#teamboron #boron4lyfe
our assignment for inorganic chemistry! :)
ft. munir, me, qilah, ima
balai cerap utm! oh the best view ever seriously! greeeeen everywhere my heart melts
excuse my face haha. this is well i shall call it as my library group?
we spent our study week togeter(for most of the time) at the library. missing qilah! :(
ft. munir, hamka, nonet, suzi, me and capit
i didnt know my first crush in utm would be my teacher for mandarin class haha! he literally resembles H, well 70% at least (i'm smiling while typing this out haha angau betul)
ft. eric(i only know his name whilst the others, i dont hahahaha! ops)
Pesta Tanglung Utm with my lovelies
ft. tim and YiHui
girls day out with tim! we burned one day having fun around johor alhamdulillah.
love you loads tim!
SSCA fambam <3
Train the Trainers event. i was a part of this event.
barai teruk k.
my second familyyyyyyyyy!
toastmasters club weeee¬
International Day with People of Disability(i call them unique)
Culture corner event!
an event where all the international students gather and have fun together weee!
my badminton family!
moga kita istiqomah hahaha
ft. munir, me, kakMarni, hamka, amal, qilah, nonet

highlight on my most favourite baymax, a very sweet girl despite looking fierce at time and most sporting kakak marni!
pretty much the sum up of my sem 1 journey
mixture of heaven and hell = perfect eyebags ft cutest face HAHA
a picture of H, in.... my heart :)
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