Missing home

Standing at the corner of my room, looking at the magnificent view of the sky from the window, imagining what i might be doing if iam home makes me misses home real bad. I miss the moment when i could literally relax without thinking of integration, first order, biodiversity etc. No, i am not physically fatigue to be honest. Iam more to mentally exhausted. Each day and night i would stay up to finish up all the assignments, need to constantly be prepared if suddenly lecturers plan to do quizzes, must always one step ahead from the others in terms of studies. It's tiring, undoubtedly. Worst is when you study solely because of wanting to get excellent grades in exams. That itself doubles up your tiredness because it's obvious enough that youre not sincere. Youre studying because of grades? Then, will you gain anything? I bet after exams, most of what we have learned vanish in a blink of an eye if we study without pure intention in trying to seeking new knowledge. How sad.

" Learning is the greatest gift you can give to yourself "

If we are not sincere, means we give nothing as a reward to ourselves after braving through all the bitter sweet journey of gaining knowledges from lecturers. Hence, grades aside okay?

So yeah. Here i am, forcing myself to block out negative thoughts and keep my spirit soaring high, regardless. I mean, dude, i wasnt born to relax. I was born to fight for happiness and successfulness in both this world and the hereafter. Therefore, dont give up! *bersemangatFace* haha

Assalammualaikum :)


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