I fell, deeply

Do you know that those who are born in june are surprisingly a great flirt, very attractive etc. HAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT EVEN! Its 3am now and iam dealing with i-miss-him-but kinda feeling now UGH! Initially, i refused to share on how i fell in love with this one guy(lets call him, H shall we?) *chuckles* but today idk, suddenly i miss him so much to the extent i feel like i wanna fly all the way to the place where he studies now just to look at his face without his knowing. Oh wait, he doesnt even know my existence in this world. Lol over kan? But thats the reality *sigh*

So, put aside introduction and lets straight away start with the first point! Ehehehe. Honestly, i may look like a playgirl(or maybe not) because dude, i never meant to flirt(unfortunately,) guys misunderstood with my actions. No, i dont " hai awak! Watpe tuuuuuuu? " with guys. Iam rather strict, literally. Cuma entahlah. Guys memang suka perasan or apa? Pfffft. Besides, i was traumatized by my past so i controlled my nak-bercinta-side tightly so that i wouldnt fall into any guy's trap no more. Serik weh! I admit i had committed uncountable sins in my past and until now pun(hmmm!), therefore, there must be a fullstop to all those nonsence! Regardless! *semangatterlebih* ok back to the track, i managed to not fall in love for 4 years( to have a crush is normal k bruh but to love, nehi! None). This phenomena(eh ye ke lol) couldnt remain the moment i met my bestfriend named Siput(nah, lets not say his real name). I was kinda confused whether i liked him or i've fallen for him, completely. But one thing for sure, i remember vividly the moment when i cried hahahahahaha for he was focusing more on my friend instead of me. Its like, siput, iam over here! Can you talk to me toooooo?!!!! Sadly the ngada ngada-egoistic side of me kept my mouth shut. Cis. Should have confronted him so that he wont be so clueless due to my cold reaction. Ahahahaha kesian siput.

The feelings which i used to have for him dont remain(sounds like a playgirl kan. Sekejap suka sekejap tak). After bio paper(spm level of course) was the climax of everything as he confessed. So, i thought most probably i would end my single life with him HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA GILA KE APA NAZIELA. Tapiiiii, i thought wrong! Perasan betul. Yela, me and siput, we dont share the same religion. On that particular reason, both decided to remain as bestfriends. Alhamdulillah until now we are bestfriends. Altho we rarely contact each other since he's busy with his stpm life whilst me with matriks life, but i will never forget my dearest friend, siput the great ahahahahaha.

Soooooo, ok ok *drumrollsssss!*
In the middle of january, obviously after spm exam, theres nothing i could do. Mom didnt want me to work with view of the fact that she was afraid if i might go over the limit in terms of social. Hence, i mereput for almost 6 to 7 months! Sengsara betul *pasrah kinda face* Ever since spm had finished, my stalking habit went overboard. Every single day i'll be stalking strangers from nowhere, analyzing their current life, bla.bla.bla until one fine day, as i was browsing through my fb account, i saw a pic of H. Idk what had possessed my mind, because with no hesitation, i clicked on his name and began my stalking session. Damn! Too hot(well, for me la). Mom and sis and roommates said he's just like other ordinary guys. Not as handsome as what they thought bla.bla.bla. K fine whatever *flipsTudung* Iam not talking about the muscles he has, what i meant was his mind!

You guys should know i fall for great minds easier than handsome kinda guys. So, kau handsome? Peduli apa. Kau pandai? Intro please! Ahahahaha *gedikmodeturnsON! astaghfirullah hehe

I knew i started to like him on that day as stalking him has become apart of my daily routines. In fact, until today i still stalk him. I want to be updated about his life hehehe sibuk gila kan?! We are not friends in fb tho, even in ig too. Sedih betul but mommy selalu cakap

" if you really like him, pray. If you miss him, pray. If you want him, pray. Allah listens and if he is the best for you, sooner or later, he will come to you. "

I was in awe when she uttered such words. I mean, the power of dua is something which can never be described with words! Allah is all-Hearing kan?! Hence worry not. To make a comparison between me and H, both of us memang sah sah la have so many differences in all aspects, i suppose. He's a guy, iam a girl. Heh lol hambar la. TU MEMANG LA BERBEZA! K whatever, the main thing here is our similarities can be counted by using only one hand(kot) huhu. Iam just saying tho. Iam totally uninformed about how he is like in real life, however, if it is meant to, it will be. Patient is needed indeed!

Okay guys, eyes on this most crucial part please! P L E A SE !
Before i leave for matriks, my highschool darlings and I planned to hang out together since we can barely meet each other once we stepped in our respective college or university. While i was busy preparing myself, i kept on praying to Allah to let me meet him, at least once before i enter matriks. At least once o Allah! Well, when you are with your friends, you would go crazy with no rational reasons, you would laugh, talk as though you own the world to the point you forgot what you have wanted the most, what you have prayed to Allah earlier, kan? That happened to me hahahaha! And, knowing my mom, she'll never let me hang out until late afternoon. Early of this year, i need to be back home as early as 4pm. More than that, she would naggggggggggggg till you feel like can i die already hahahahahha. As for that, i had no chance to watch movie with them *sobssobs* so, to not waste every single second we had left, i was determined to wait with them until they need to enter the cinema for the movie will start in less than 5 or 10 minutes, i couldnt recall. Ok this is the part ohmyAllah! 

While waiting,
I was busy doing my talking with them. Its like non stop brosis. Dont you know my passion is talking lel. As we were discussing(konon) about something, all of a sudden one of my friends said

Atiq tengok belakang

And my reaction was like

Dah kenapa kena tengok belakang

And as i turned my head, O ALLAH O ALLAH O ALLAH HE'S AT THE BACK OF MEEEEEE!!! MOMMY CAN I CRY NOW?! I MEAN LIKE SERIOUSLY NOWWWWW!!! I was undeniably touched upon realizing that Allah actually granted my wish. HE answered my prayer. The feeling was insane. I couldnt even stand properly. Once i looked at him, i straight away went behind a tiang(tiang in english is what eh? Lol teruk betul) and tranquillized myself, i tried so hard to controll the palpitations of my heart. Too strong to handle. I mean, wehhhhh! The guy whom has always been in my prayer is less than 10m radius away from me! Thats beyond amazing! Thankyou so much Allah *wipetears*

Ok la,
I know for me to be with him in the future is IMPOSSIBLE. But i believe with Allah's power, miracle could happen. Even if we might not be together, Allah definitely knows best. For now, i'll just pray to Allah, asking Him to make all the things that i want to happen for real. Inshaa Allah. Wallahi, i fall in love with him. Deeply. As deep as Mariana Trench. Up till now, no guys could replace him, regardless of how pious they are, H will nonetheless always be my fav, inshaa Allah. And oh yeah i forgot to share with you guys that AGAIN, ME AND H DONT SHARE THE SAME RELIGION *sigh* lets just hope he would convert to Islam one fine day solely because of his love towards Allah, aite? Aamiiiiin!

(My ans in in the pic)

End of my love story. MayAllahBless peeps!
Assalammualaikum :)


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