
To repeat the same mistake is not as good a everyone might think. No, not good at all. But sometimes you dont even pray for it to happen twice. You tried, you worked hard, but it happened, regardless.

What iam trying to say is that, again, the thing that i wanted the most for sem 1 remained as a dream. One of the dreams which i can no longer achieve, can no longer long for. The moment when i failed to put on a smile on my parents' face due to my spm results, i wished to never ever repeat it! Never! Hence, when i entered matriks, obviously i struggled like crazy to get 4flat. I sacrificed so many things indeed, less hour of sleeping, no fon while studying, no lovey dovey stuffs, bla bla bla. My eyebags were beyond words! My mind was fatigue but hey, to be a successful person is not easy. You want it, therefore you must work for it!

Sadly, Allah said

" 3.6 is the best for Naziela Al Atiq bt. Aljeffry "

I didnt cry at first. I smiled, i was grateful with the results that i got because i strongly believe that Allah is the best planner of all. He's keeping something special for me. He doesnt want me to enjoy the sweetness of 4flats first, He wants to surprise with something which is much more awesome! But, the moment when i thought of mommy ayah wa wan and my family, my heart hurts, badly. I got 2 missed calls from my sis alone. That itself caused me to burst into tears. I could say nothing but sorry to mommy when she called asking me

" dapat berapa "

The feeling was awful when you didnt manage to make your parents proud. It felt horrible when your mom had no interest to talk to you once she heard your results. It. Hurts. I smiled upon hearing her respond. I know, no matter how hard i have tried, i need to try harder. No matter how many hours i had sacrificed before, i need to sacrifice more, no matter how many times i have cried due to tiredness, i need to cry more because, to be a successful person is not easy. Iam not gifted. I came from a family who need to work hard in order to be the best among the best. Without studying, we might go astray thus our life definitely would be in jeopardy. So yeah.

" atiq, Allah tengok usaha bukan results. Don't give up. Allah knows whats the best for you "

Work harder and smarter. May Allah ease, inshaa Allah

Assalammualaikum :)


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