favourite Bodyguards!

it's been a while since i last updated my blog lol even tho tak sampai a month bahahahahah! people might think this entry must be about her dad/bros dude, they are not just my bodyguards. they are also my nyawa. so, NO, NOT ABOUT THEM. ehem ehemmmmm, since i was really young mom had sent me to a nursery for the reason that my parents were very busy with their own career. hence, i seldom met my silblings and spent most of my time with my friends at the nursery. truthfully, i was the only one kid who was at the nursery, no friends by my age. i played with mak(i call the person who took care of me "mak" and his hubsy "ayah"), ayah and kak diyah only because she's the youngest among her siblings. others had successfully reserved a place in their own respective universities alhamdulillah. besides kak diyah, i have another friend named " mamat " too. it's his nickname actually lol. i call him that to the extent i didnt know his real name un...