


So here's a story. Last two days and yesterday i went to a seminar bio and chemistry. Ya Allah it was indeed awesome!!! I mean you guys should know by now that I WILL SLEEP , seriously , when it comes to bio lessons gosh i can never understand why on earth my sis chose medic instead of other things? *faints* okay cut to the chase please! The most excellent teacher who taught us so many new things is Teacher Haffa Izzah. Actually to be precise it's not her true name. Her original name is Nur Hafizah. She changed to that name for some reasons which i think it's not necessary for you guys to know okay okay okay get back on the track Atiq! Two days two subjects! Means one day one subject! Since my mum and dad were not at home so i went there with Pn. Aidah ^^ my bio teacher for next year inshaa Allah. A very humble, sporting, kind teacher! No doubt people!

Fyi, bio was on saturday! Andddd chemistry was on the next day. The seminar started from 8:30 am until 5:00 pm. Tipu la kan kalau aku tak mengantuk menguap etc. Well, i did. And do you know what are the solutions nak buang rasa negative tu? DANCING! Hahahahaha wait wait there were guys too! All of us danced together oh my Allah! Same thing goes to chemistry day. I mean when you guys need to learn a lot of things in one day and and and i mean for sure your brain cant accept all without even feeling tired kan? Tu bohong namanya. Unless you jenis yang workaholic god i can die meeting that kind of people. My body needs rest so yeah i selalu penat penat ni hahaha. Soooo yup she showed a video which tells us all the steps anddd our job is to follow every single of them. Besides dancing, teacher haffa izzah also turned on some musics which most of them were malay songs okay so obviously jiwang memanjang , k. But undoubtedly interesting! We , the boys and the girls , sang together! Hujan woi sengau sangat lol. But neh tak hujan pun hahaha. I love the way she teaches us , i love her style , i love the knowledges that she had shared with us for two days. I adore her , dude.

And i started to miss the seminarrrrrrrrrr. Quiz , dancing time , karoeke time , group session , notes , module etc. I was having so much fun with all the participants. Inshaa Allah i am looking forward to meet all of you guys. May we pass our spm with flying colours aamiiin!

from left, syakirah. syahirah. aku(tudung ungu). aiza. maya. ika then tak ingat hihi sorry!

syakirah. syahirah. aku(tudung biru). izzah.

Yours sincerely,



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