Girls' talk


Hey guys! Since these few days i forbid myself from spending most of my time onlining any media social(s) that I have. So, i started watching movies which could motivate me to be a better girl in the future. And hahaha as expected the movies that i've watched so far are Sofia The First and Barbie(any barbie will do).

You know in every episode there will be some lessons that you get to learn. Something that you might not know or maybe you've heard it before but yeah never give a damn of it lol. Anyway, alhamdulillah i managed to learn a lot like seriously a lot. Usually in every movies, the main character must show good examples to people so from that good attitudes i actually learn new things. K lets make this simple. I had just finished watching another movie. Ohorait, im not wasting my whole time watching movies okay. I created my daily timetable so that i will spend my time wisely and not gonna waste even a single second of it doing something unuseful in life.

Alright cut to chase please!
So that movie gives me a great lesson. First thing that i learned was when you want people to like or be friend with you, it is not necessary for you to fake yourself out. You dont have to act like you know everything but the reality is you dont. You laugh on something that you dont even understand. Dont you think that kind of action would make people burst into laughter? Think! It is okay to not know something because hey this is not Jannah. Note that. This whole world wasnt meant to be perfect and so do you. Be yourself. Trust me, people will like you more.

When you were born without a silver spoon in your mouth then you should be proud of it. Look, being rich is not everything. Its not like you can buy the whole thing yg jual kat dunia ni pun kan? And when you die, will you bury all the money with you? No obviously a big NO! ALLAH will never asked about the amount of money that you have but HE will definitely ask what did you do with the money that HE gave? So kaya atau miskin doesnt matter. The thing that should bother us right now is our akhlaq and heart. Although you are from a family who cant support you to buy the things that all girls would have but when you have a pure heart plus a good akhlaq, people around you will automatically pay their full attention on you. I mean who on earth refuse to fall for a girl who has good akhlaq, pure heart?! Like seriously?! Pretty face gosh its just a bonus if you have it but if no, then who cares? So dont force yourself to look pretty infront of others by colouring your face or wearing clothes that could cost you thousand of ringgits. One sentence girls, Dont do stupid things to buy people's attention. They will laugh at you as a respond instead of praising you. Mark my words.

Nevet ever give up on something that you do. Its like you hsve climbed a stair and suddenly you fall for a few steps so why should you stop when you are already close to the top? WHY? Ask yourself right now. ALLAH teaches us to redha not to give up, right? So no matter how hard the problem is, how complicated the puzzle is, find a way! There must be a way to solve it. Sooner or later, you will get to the finish line IFFFFF you are patience in handling all those obligations. Life is not easy. There are ups and downs. Face the fact! Face the reality! Dont curse, dont blame other people, because we will not learn something from that. Start to blame ourselves first then we will know whats the best solutions we should take in order to solve the problem. Take things in positive manner. Despite all those negative thoughts that people throw to you, remain smilinh because Allah is with those who are patience. Human can never shut their mouth up so whats the only thing that we can do in order to zip their mouth? Prove to them that you can do better. Prove to them that they are wrong! All the jugdements that they have made are completely wrong! Who are they to judge! Hey this is your life so dont make people to ruin it. Live it to the fullest dude *pehalakusemangatterlebihni --"

You should just be yourself so that people will know who you really are and admire the real you. Lead a healthy lifestyle with positive attitudes. Life is tooooo toooooooooooo short to copy other people's personality and be surrounded by something that could make yourself down oh puh-lease! Apart from that, you dont need to act like a princess if you are not er that feminine. Like what Blair said

" Every girl has a princess in them "

Means you are already have that princess in you so perlu asah je talent tu so that it's sharp and clear. Well since actions speak louder than words. So dont just say that you are a princess, you have to prove it too! Waitttttttttt, princess doesnt mean you need to wear pink dresses i mean yeah you know all those girlish stuffs. No mayn! Princess is more to akhlaq like what ive said earlier. Be more polite, jaga etika semua tu. Tak snobbish infront of others. Have high level of self-confidence. It's okay to act harsh if thats the real you but with a limit la. Even princesses sometimes show their true colours. Hello you cant hold them to yourself for the rest of your life PLEASE EVERYONE DESERVES THEIR OWN LIFE SO GIVE SOME SPACE

Yours sincerely,



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