it's a New Year



alhamdulillah Allah gives me the chance to still live in this filthy world because me and my sins cant be separated. i seriously need to repent, biiznillah! but... but... I CANT BELIEVE THAT IAM 18 THIS YEAR. to me, 18 sounds old and i, am. not. okay. iam still young and innocent plus wild hahahahahahahaha. heish, should i say iam 8 instead of 18 LOL okay thats too obvious~


usually when people talk about " New Year " they will obviously explain or expose their new resolutions kan? well as for me, i dont really have lots of new resolutions. nope! iam just grateful that 2015 has taught me so many new things and therefore iam trying to fix my weaknesses thus becoming a better person in the future(inshaa Allah), all those mistakes that i've made, i decided to not repeat them again, i will and am now using my heart less and so on. i realised what had happened to me on 2015 has changed me, completely. mostly, the good side of me. iam thankful for that even though while dealing with all the pain was kind of hard because it hurts to the point i felt empty but alhamdulillah i shouldnt be sad or dissapointed since due to that, iam now a new Naziela. a cold-hearted girl, less sensitive. honestly, iam tired of being hurt and all those unnecessary pain that i know from the beginning i shouldnt be involved but weh, degil kan? so serve you right! right now, at this point of my life, i have decided to focus solely on my dreams. i desperately wanna make them real. i dont want to waste my dreaming on something which will not happen kan, so lets make them happen! make them real! i know and believe, i can inshaa Allah :) Allah undoubtedly knows whats the best for me. mayAllahEase every single thing iam doing and trying to achieve, aamiiiin!


idk whether i should be happy or sad or feel lonely since for now iam no longer a high school student. schoolings days is gonna start on 4th january and here iam updating my blog while wondering what should i do? the things that could benefit me? theres a lot actually but when seketul Naziela is malas, theres nothing seketul Naziela can think of lol. frankly speaking, iam now scared. iam scared of what will happen to me next when i pursue my studies either in matriks or taking foundation in university and iam scared stiff of spm results, definitely! i heard people said the results will be released on early of March so it obviously freaks me out! thinking of my add maths and sejarah and english essay literally gives me a fright! i wouldnt want to dissapoint my parents as they are hoping for me to get the same results like my sis's. o Allah,

" Rabbi yassi waala tu'assir wa tammim bikheyr "

" Bismillahi tawakkaltu 'alallah la hawla wala quwata ila billahil 'aliyil'azim "

it's awkward tho when the way i type this entry sounds soooooooooooooo serious sedangkan before this you guys can at least feel the crazy side of me while reading my story kan. lol sorry for being serious. nowadays. i just feel like i have to. aasif jiddan, habibis! bahahahahahaha ;D last but not least,

mayAllahBLESS each and everyone of us, immensely! 

Yours sincerely,


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