Girls' talk

Assalammualaikum Hey guys! Since these few days i forbid myself from spending most of my time onlining any media social(s) that I have. So, i started watching movies which could motivate me to be a better girl in the future. And hahaha as expected the movies that i've watched so far are Sofia The First and Barbie (any barbie will do). You know in every episode there will be some lessons that you get to learn. Something that you might not know or maybe you've heard it before but yeah never give a damn of it lol. Anyway, alhamdulillah i managed to learn a lot like seriously a lot. Usually in every movies, the main character must show good examples to people so from that good attitudes i actually learn new things. K lets make this simple. I had just finished watching another movie. Ohorait, im not wasting my whole time watching movies okay. I created my daily timetable so that i will spend my time wisely and not gonna waste even a single second of it doing something unuseful in ...