

 " Sometimes people write the things that they cant say "

Well, now that quote suits my situation well. I couldnt say it but I can write it out. Sometime u didnt expect it to change but yeah, people do change. Change to someone that u cant really rely on. U can just laugh talk smile and what so ever but to be close to them, it will makes u feel like awkward gileeeee! So when u started to involve urself in a situation that u never involved before makes u feel like er awkward jugak. So what kind of situation that u really want ekceli in life? Ask urself. Now, u cant just want the things to happen in ur own ways. U can just plan but ALLAH will arrange it. HE knows what is the best for u. U used to smile. But when people around u start to change, u cant accept it. Then u start to accuse ALLAH that HE didnt gives u what u want in life. Dear people, open ur eyes widely, see all the things around u. All of them are from ALLAH. Why cant u just appreciate it eventho the things or the niqmah that u got are not that big. But still, HE gives u the things that u need not want. Instill qanaah in heart may seems hard but if u realise that u start to appreciate all the things that u have, the sweet smile on your face will not fade. U just need the " appreciation " not the " satisfaction ". U know, u can never satisfy ur nafs. Ur nafs will always whisper to u all the things that u dont have eventho now u have all the important things already. Thats why Allahyarham Ahmad Ammar said

" If u are now finding for an enemy, make ur nafs as ur truly enemy in life "

And I found that his words are true. Make ur nafs as ur exact enemy which u need all the strength that u have to defeat it in ur whole life. Whenever u saw a rich people who born with a lot of money, just remind urself of the people who are now in Syria, Egypt and Palestine. They are facing their hard times right now to defeat Israel. They can seldomly smile or maybe to get what they want. It is so hard for them to enjoy their life even for a sec. So why must we pertikaikan all the niqmah HE had given us? Well hello, say Alhamdulillah instead of ' It is still not enough. I want more! ' 

Yours sincerely,

As a reminder for me.
Salam alaik :)


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