it's a New Year

Assalammualaikum! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU IN THIS WORLD! alhamdulillah Allah gives me the chance to still live in this filthy world because me and my sins cant be separated. i seriously need to repent, biiznillah! but... but... I CANT BELIEVE THAT IAM 18 THIS YEAR. to me, 18 sounds old and i, am. not. okay. iam still young and innocent plus wild hahahahahahahaha. heish, should i say iam 8 instead of 18 LOL okay thats too obvious~ orait, usually when people talk about " New Year " they will obviously explain or expose their new resolutions kan? well as for me, i dont really have lots of new resolutions. nope! iam just grateful that 2015 has taught me so many new things and therefore iam trying to fix my weaknesses thus becoming a better person in the future(inshaa Allah), all those mistakes that i've made, i decided to not repeat them again, i will and am now using my heart less and so on. i realised what had happened to me on 2015 has changed me, completely. ...