Heart skips more than a beat!

Salam alaik! It's 2:15 am and i cant sleep! Oh Allah, my eyes.... worse than pandasssss in the entire universe! Anyway, i feel like talking about mat sallehs today. So, em, bear with me eh! Hehe Orait. Let, us, start! To be frank, whenever mat salleh(s) walk in front of me or behind or whatever, ya Rabbi... i cannot resist! It is like, brosis, i have found the chosen one hahahahaha. Well, i cant easily share with you guys the reasons why i choose mat salleh(s) over malay guys. Too personal to be told. And maybe the explanation could hurt anyone of you(malay guys). Let it remains secret. Oh for your information, my so-cannot-resist can be clearly seen when i was in Cameron Highland last month. Tak tipu! Heh. Ok. At that time, I was lining up with my mom at Sungai Pallas to buy some bread and tea for family. So while waiting for our turn, i turned around to look at the breath-taking scenery(it was soooo serene!) until suddenly my eyes caught this hot mat salleh standing behind ...