Would you lend me a shoulder to cry on?

Assalammualaikum! i'm just wondering, what will you guys do when you guys are under depression? entah la. lately ni a lot of things in my mind. upcoming trial, folios, kawad bla bla bla and even family matters. rasa tak boleh cope. rasa lelah you know tahap yg you rasa " oh no man, i cant take it anymore " but you have to. you have no chance but to deal with all of them. damn exhausted when you are tired of school activities and then when you got back home, stress sebab banyak lg kerja tertunggak. contoh? lol sodai baju, angkat baju ohmyyyyyyy i just died! tp i can never say no because thats my job. i wouldnt want to see my mum suffer doing the house chores *sigh* but then like what Allahyarham Ahmad Ammar had said la kan, " Dunia ni tempat kita berpenat " yes. this filthy world is actually a place for us to work hard to achieve Jannah. ingat senang ke masuk syurga macam masuk wayang? beli tiket, popcorn etc pastu okay done! jom tengok movie! Hello people, ...