Give up?
Assalammualaikum. i am doomed. seriously. completely. totally. this year is the toughest year ever! been studying all day long but results oh my Allah i feel like crying whenever i think of it. feel like bursting. feel like exploding. but like always, Allah knows best. HE is All-Knowing. bismillah... this is the first time aku experience turun kelas. before this alhamdulillah dari kecik until form 4 remain first class but it is very sad when tahun terakhir aku digelar pelajar(nextyear), aku masuk kelas kedua because of my final results yg sangat Ya Rabbi :'( i know i cant cry because it's my fault anyway. usaha tak cukup, leka. macam mana nak berjaya. banyak lagha, lalai. Allahu rabbi. tp bak kata peribahasa " menyesal dahulu pendapat menyesal kemudian tidak berguna " so i force myself to smile even though it is damn hard. susah. banyak sangat jatuh tahun ni. penat asyik nak bangkit. lelah. semput. sesak nafas. tp, disebalik kesusahan tu Allah ada....