
Assalammualaikum! Hello dearest people. Alhamdulillah finally I have time to update a new story on my blog. Ekceli i'm not busy like a Prime Minister, it 's just that now is Ramadhan so I don't have time to play. From morning to night, I need to do lots of important things sooooo yeah hihi. Well, today I wanna share my opinion er not really an opinion but more to expressing what I feel right now due to the surrounding. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Nowadays, people around me keep on talking about Love. Their main topic is Love. So yeah, me as a teenage girl of course feel excited when it comes to love. I force myself to stop reading any love novels before this but now, I read them back. I just wanna feel the excitement when you got to know that guys out there admire you. But then, few weeks later, I feel like I've had enough. All the pain I've been through due to love, and all the novels that have the same plot but different names of the heroes and heroines make me s...