
Assalammualaikum. " Sometimes people write the things that they cant say " Well, now that quote suits my situation well. I couldnt say it but I can write it out. Sometime u didnt expect it to change but yeah, people do change. Change to someone that u cant really rely on. U can just laugh talk smile and what so ever but to be close to them, it will makes u feel like awkward gileeeee! So when u started to involve urself in a situation that u never involved before makes u feel like er awkward jugak. So what kind of situation that u really want ekceli in life? Ask urself. Now, u cant just want the things to happen in ur own ways. U can just plan but ALLAH will arrange it. HE knows what is the best for u. U used to smile. But when people around u start to change, u cant accept it. Then u start to accuse ALLAH that HE didnt gives u what u want in life. Dear people, open ur eyes widely, see all the things around u. All of them are from ALLAH. Why cant u just appreciate it ...