Tiring yet Worth It!

a day before,

((conversation between Khairun and I))

" Kau free tak esok? jom keluar " - Khairun
" Free je. Boleh jugak weh! " - Me

before that, lemme introduce you who is Khairun~

nah, the left one is Khairunnisa' binti Mohd Nor whilst on the right one is the cutest yet weird yet funny girl on earth, Naziela bahahahaaa

on 24th March,

both of us met at McD. Since Khairun didnt eat breakfast at home so i accompanied her to feed her stomach with McD's finger-licking good McMuffin and quenched her thirst with a cup of hot milo. at first, our initial plans were to snap some pictures near Taming Sari building for her mom's Eco project and watch Munafik.

trust me, when Naziela + Khairun = there's always an activity which needs you to sweat, a lot. besides, we were once an athlete so obviously a challenging activitiy is a must for us if not we will die of boredom (hahahahahahahahahahahOVER)

as for that,
from McD we walked to Menara Taming Sari then we stopped at the nearby playground to play the swings hahahahaha seriously they looked so tempting to the point we cant say no to ourselves. the swings, i mean. hence, we played the swings for almost an hour and our side project while playing it was obviously TAKING SELFIESSSSS YEY!

my first attempt of taking selfie while playing the swings FAILED TERRIBLY

ended up, i had to ask khairun to stop swinging just to get a better picture. pffft. 

enough of the swings, again, we walked to some of the historical yet kinda unique "things" which were being built by idk who just to snap some pictures hehe...

*ROAAARRRR in a cute way*

the weather didnt give a great cooperation with us though. so excuse our oily faces, we were sweating like crazy but still had so much fun! WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!

i thought after all the so-called fun activites, the time might have reached 9 something then we can straightly enter DP to buy the movie tickets and go/sit anywhere for us to talk/exchange stories and experiences. sadly, khairun's watch showed to us that it's only 8:35 if i am not mistaken. so, the crazy side of me decided to not do that and planned to go all the way up Bukit St. Paul without any rational reasons hahahaha. khairun raised her eyebrows tho as a respond, giving me her kau-gila-ke-and-seriously- kinda face. but hey, since my eyes were locked at the A Famosa's structure. i told Khairun to take pictures there so that we will have memories at that particular place, memories of us together :) and we did! macam tourist kan?! bahahaaaaa. so after all those taking pictures session it would definitely be a waste if we dont go up the Hill(kann kannn kaannnnnnnn?) and again, snap our moments together. besides, we seldom meet so this is the only chance we have to collect as many memories as we could together before both start pursuing studies in any universities which have been applied. (chef and teacher on the go wooops!)

us feat. A Famosa the Great weeeheeeee :)

khairun said the floor looms impressive hence, the pic feat. my blur face -_-

we wanted to snap a pic of us "floating" in the air but buttttt buttttttttt *sigh*

just to tell you guys, the stairs were no joke! seriously! we were out of breath while going up through the stairs and needed to stop for awhile just to catch some oxygen before proceeding with our journey. HOW ON EARTH CAN WE BE SO PANCIT WHEN WE CLAIMED THAT WE WERE ONCE ATHLETES? at least it sounds logic when i had no energy and strength to continue since i had stopped olahraga at the age of 13 but Khairun stopped last year kut so hahahhahahaha iam stronger wooohooooo ( insert proud face emoticon ) LOL #astaghfirullah

look at how tired we were!!! NEED MORE OXYGEEEIIIOOOOOONNNNNN
*grasp some air while forcing our lips to carve a smile*

again, she said the stairs look awesome. iam weird, she's weirder :P

anyway! at the top of the Hill, both Khairun and I were in awe with the breath-taking view of Malacca especially when we could see the sea from far. like " weh lawa gileeeee subhanAllah! " the fact that we have been at the top before and even looked at the same view doesnt stop us from being speechles again due to Allah's superb creation! HE is indeed the Best Creator of all! Alhamdulillah! well, it's kinda worth it hahahahaha the struggle in climbing up the stairs had paid off by just looking at how awesome Malacca is :) #proudMalaccan #seharije lewls

inside the St. Paul :D

here you go, it doesnt look great in the pic but to look at it with your own eyes will definitely render you SPEEECHLESSSSS!


thinking of what we have done all day long,
makes me realize of how thankful i am to Allah for granting me a friend who literally accepts my flaws, loves me dearly because of Allah, preaches to me unintentionally with her actions and words, does crazy things with me without any negative comments etcetra etcetra. i felt good on that day. she spreads so many positive vibes which then caused me to say to myself

" this world is just temporary. you'll get nothing from it if you chase it. chase akhirah, this world will surely go after you "

that's because i was considering whether i should be an engineer or just a teacher who will educate the students to be a better person in the future which could definitely gives benefits to me in both dunia and akhirat kan? but my so-stubborn-nakkan-dunia always thought that being a teacher wont make me rich and so on until khairun  said

" Aku buat istikharah and aku perasan aku selalu dapat hints cullinary jadi maybe aku amik cullinary tapi sekarang aku terfikir, MACAM MANA NAK JADIKAN KERJA AKU NI SATU DAKWAH? "

that statement of hers hits me real hard to the extent i felt like falling on the ground. my legs no longer had the strength to lift my body up, seriously... can you see how hard iam struggling with my inner-self?! how hard the angel side of me fights the devil side of me?! ( insert crying-my-eyeballs-outsszzzaaa-me emoticon ) being a teacher at least i can preach to the kids, teach me them about how to behave when with people bla bla bla... but engineer? what can i do besides talking to the machines like a mad person?

" wahai mesin, jaga diri jaga iman jaga solat tau! nant Allah sayang "

the workers will then label me a Freak for acting so strange sebab desperate nak dakwah hahahahaaa!

Alhamdulillah for this blessing of yours, Ya Rabb :')
meeting Khairun is never a wrong choice. i'll always from now onwards prioritize her wherever i go after Allah, Rasulullah, mommy and ayah, wa and wan, then, Khairun. no words could precisely describe how deep my love is for her. the one who never feels embarass for having me as her friend because you see, when the crazy side of me makes its comeback, trust me, it will never be an easy task to handle my craziness. you would rather die than seeing me being gila-gila bahahaaa. she understands me so well and so do i hehe, alhamdulillah again!

" Kita berbeza tapi saling melengkapi"- Khairun 

the word different means based on our personality. honestly, to make a comparison between khairun and i, is like you're now comparing the sky and the land. completely utterly different but hey the differences cause us to complete each other, right? it's like you need the sky to protect you from the hotness of the sun and you need the land for you to do gardening and from that, you can get variety kind of foods to survive., you get what i mean? muahahahahahaaa!

oh waaaaaiiiitttttttttt,
note that we are not lesbianssss! we are meant to be bestfriends until Jannah, aamiiiin! and somehow i do hope my future hubs owns Khairun's personality hahahahaha. frankly speaking, only with Khairun all of my true colours, the bad sides of me will appear, with my other friends, i am all out too but only 95-97%, wallahu'alam. so future hubs! you better make sure you're like Khairun, inside out tau! tak handsome pun takpeeee(chehhhhhh bahahahaaaa at least handsome sikit la LOL)

last but hopefully not the least,
i'll pray that whatever things we are doing, all of them could help in reserving a place for us in Jannah, Allahumma Aamiin.

" This world is nothing but a beautiful lie " - quote of the day peeps!

Adios Amigos!
Assalammualaikum :)

Yours Sincerely,


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