
AssalammualaikumWbt. Oh em A! This year is a tough year evah! I never expect that my life would be as busy as a prime minister ececeh haha. I've been longing to update my blog and alhamdulillah. So today dear people lets talk about PAIN (: Bismillah, Nowadays, there are soooo many musibah that I need to face. No doubt, I was mentally fatigue to the point that I wanted to give up. But I started to realise something, suddenly a sentence was floating on my boat. What is it? " Dunia tempat aku berpenat, akhirat tempat aku berehat " Still remember who said this? It's Allahyarham Ahmad Ammar, my most fav idola. His words make me realise that I should not despair no matter how bad the situation is. Musibah will comes to you whether you like it or not. Well, obviously no one on this earth does not face any problem. People around the world do have their own problem but it is up to us. How do we handle it? Is it with love or with hatred filled in our heart? Sometimes, we c...